Young Man Escape 1.0.1 [free]


Games2Jolly - Young Man Escape is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. A group of nature lovers went to a national park for sight seeing. They
passed through the entrance gate and walked far into the forest area. They spent a long time there enjoying each breath. When all of the group members decided to return to
their vehicle one of them had no clue of it because he went somewhere deep into the forest. The park's closing time was up and the gate was locked. Now our guy has to get
out of the park. Find a way to open the gate and let him join his group. Good luck...

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  • Nom du logiciel: Young Man Escape
  • Logiciel Catégorie: Jeux d'arcade et d'action
  • Code: air.G2JYoungManEscape
  • La dernière version: 1.0.1
  • Exigence: {S} ou supérieur
  • Taille du fichier : 19.07 MB
  • Mettre à jour temps: 2018-01-08