Grupo Antonio Marques 2.2.56 [free]


The Group Antonio Marques, with an experience of over 20 years working with people coming through the Group Antonio Marques application offer you the best in training issues and
improvement, professional and mental.
The coach, entrepreneur, and father, Antonio Marques Rodrigues, president of the group, has been dedicated to educating and empowering people who have not yet reached their life
goals. Or even build the life goals that have not been chosen by you.
In this application you will find the option to perform these their big dreams left behind in its history, but it is never too late to start! With the new distance learning
training platform, you'll find lectures, goals tips and how achieve them, and also acquire an exclusive training with the coach and president of the group, Antonio Marques
For those who purchased the course within the training in company, here you can register your code, and continue the steps to success. Welcome to new life!

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  • Nom du logiciel: Grupo Antonio Marques
  • Logiciel Catégorie: Enseignement
  • Code: com.eitv.gamarques
  • La dernière version: 2.2.56
  • Exigence: {S} ou supérieur
  • Taille du fichier : 7.97 MB
  • Mettre à jour temps: 2022-10-01