Equation Calculator 0.04 [free]


The Equation Calculator application is a perfect tool to calculate any type of equation or algebraic expression, being able to calculate from simpler equations such as 1st, 2nd
and 3rd degree equations, to more complex equations such as differential equations.
The equation calculator has functions to perform thousands of calculations in the various areas of mathematics knowledge, as it can calculate mathematical sentences such as
equations, in trigonometry, combinatorics, linear algebra, abstract algebra, elementary algebra, universal and computational algebra, statistics, calculus, dynamic systems,
geometry… Here are the main functions of the calculator:
✔️ Integrate and Derive
The calculator has the function of integrating and deriving mathematical sentences, facilitating the calculation of complex equations such as differential equations and
expressions in the calculus discipline 1 .
✔️ Solve equations
This calculator can solve hundreds of equation types with great precision, among these equations that can be calculated are mainly:
The first, second and third degree equations, logarithmic equations, exponentials, trigonometric equations, differentials, among thousands of other types of equations… linear
and non-linear…
✔️ Factor and simplify equations
In addition to being able to solve equations, the app also has several integrated functions to factor and simplify mathematical sentences, being only 5 simplification functions,
which can simplify from trigonometric equations to algebraic equations, in addition to being able to factor polynomials and other equations or expressions, using these
simplification functions can simplify the calculation of complex equations, in addition to reducing mathematical sentences to improve their understanding.
✔️ Has all basic arithmetic operations
To be able to calculate all these types of equations, the calculator also has a huge variety of arithmetic functions to be used in calculations.
This tool has the arithmetic operations of root, being able to calculate different types of roots such as square, cubic, fourth roots, among others, and also being able to
calculate calculations such as power, the basic operations of addition, subtraction and division, calculations a little more complex. such as logarithms, in addition to being
able to calculate percentage, generate random numbers, calculate factorial, operate with numbers in scientific notation and fractions and calculate numerical expressions.
✔️ Statistical calculation and combinatorics
In statistics and combinatorics the app can also calculate combination, permutation and factorial.
✔️ Trigonometric calculation
The equation calculator can also calculate trigonometric functions and ratios ranging from operations like sine, cosine and tangent to their cosecant, secant and cotangent
inverses, the calculator also counts on the number pi and can calculate the Pythagorean theorem.
✔️ has high arithmetic accuracy
The calculator also has high arithmetic precision that will be extremely useful for calculating very large mathematical sentences, or even when you are going to calculate an
equation in which you need a very approximate value, this is also an essential feature for when you are going to work with decimal numbers .
In addition to the calculation functions, the equation calculator has a modern and easy-to-use layout, as it was designed so that the user can calculate extremely complex
equations in seconds, making it easy to use even for a lay user who has never used a calculator before .

les anciennes versions

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  • Nom du logiciel: Equation Calculator
  • Logiciel Catégorie: Enseignement
  • Code: com.equationscompany.calculadoradeequacoesequations
  • La dernière version: 0.04
  • Exigence: {S} ou supérieur
  • Taille du fichier : 4.71 MB
  • Mettre à jour temps: 2022-10-09