Hockey wallpapers 4k 1.0.10 [free]


Hockey Wallpapers 4k (Ultra HD) offers: - Free wallpapers associated with hockey. - A huge database of wallpapers at a resolution of 4K. - Every day new wallpapers - Wallpapers can set as the primary display or as a lock screen, contact.. - Search engine of best images. - Preview wallpaper with the possibility of zoom. - Changing the beautiful wallpaper in just a few clicks. - Ability to create your own database of favorite wallpapers. - Fast and intuitive interface. - Sending wallpaper by Email, SMS, MMS. - Sharing wallpapers with friends through social networking. - Animated loading screen, about theme of hockey. - Ability to modify wallpaper size for your needs. What it is 4K resolution? - 4k or UltraHD has a resolution of 4096x2160 or 3840x2160 - QHD or Quad High Definition (1440p =2560x1440) wallpapers are 2.4 times smaller than 4k - Full HD, 2K - (1080p = 1920x1080) wallpapers are 4 times smaller than 4k - HD (720p = 1280x720) wallpapers are 10 times smaller than 4k. What gives me resolution of 4k: - High Quality - HQ - You can do huge zoom without loss of quality. - You can do clippings of objects, for example puck without losing quality. Rate wallpapers: - Add a thumb up if you liked wallpaper about hockey or thumb down. - Ratings are up to date collected and updated on the website. - Results of votes on live. Supported devices: - Screen rotation support. - It supports all screen resolutions and devices, tablets and even televisions in the resolution of 4k. This and much more can be found in Hockey Wallpapers UHD, and it's completely free. We do not charge any fees. Team Hockey Wallpapers 4K

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  • Nom du logiciel: Hockey wallpapers 4k
  • Logiciel Catégorie: Personnalisation
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  • La dernière version: 1.0.10
  • Exigence: {S} ou supérieur
  • Taille du fichier : 5.21 MB
  • Mettre à jour temps: 2022-09-28