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☆超便利アプリシリーズ第2弾☆ 超簡単な「体重管理ツール」が今だけ無料! ☆体重を毎日計るだけ。シンプルだから続けられる♪ ☆めんどうな操作は一切なし!!だーぱんにおまかせ! ☆AndroidダイエットアプリNo.1 ◆体重管理 by だーぱんの使い方 ・体重を毎日一回入力するだけ! ・体重を入力す

10.81 MB

The web site Farmácias de Serviç brings the reliability of it's service to the Android platform. Now you can get the on duty Pharmacies in Portug

367.82 KB

Aerobic Exercise Videos HD app helps you to learn aerobic exercises for weight losing and body fitness through many YouTube videos about Aerobic Exerc

3.14 MB
Diet Plan 1.1.1

Diet Plan is a FREE diet plan app that creates a custom personalized diet based upon your unique needs, activities, and abilities The FREE Diet Plan a

4.97 MB

Sencilla y útil aplicación para saber tu IMC (Índice de Masa Corporal), tu peso ideal y cuántos kilos te sobran. Además puedes ver las calorías que ne

6.3 MB

Deine Benefits: Mit der kostenlosen LOOX Fitness App kommst du deinem Trainingsziel wie Abnehmen, Muskelaufbau oder Körper straffen mit deinem perfekt

8.06 MB

Finally you can carry YouTube Fitness Star Cassey Ho in your pocket...FOR FREE! Take her videos with you to the gym, cook fun and healthy Blogilates r

4.14 MB

Dance Workout videos provides a selection of videos and is a fitness regime that uses dance routines to help keep you fit and healthy. Dancing is a na

1.81 MB
Pilates 2.5.5

Pilates - a system of fitness exercises for the whole body, which tightens muscles, develops mobility, joint flexibility, has the ability to govern th

48.6 MB

Aunjai i lert u - อุ่นใจเมื่อภัยมา เป็นระบบที่สร้างขึ้นมาเพื่อให้ผู้ที่ถือ Smart Phone สามารถส่ง Location ไปให้กับคนใน social network คอยเป็นผู้คุ้มกั

2.48 MB

Here you will find the healthiest foods you can eat for various purposes, causes, or issues. All these foods are wonderfully delicious, health-promoti

3.85 MB

Monitor your weight using an efficient interactive chart ! " My weight tracker " will help you to achieve your ideal weight. You will easily see the w

3.36 MB

Speaking Tree in an all-new avatar…Log into yourself with this updated version! We understand that cruising along life’s pathway can be quite a daunti

8.96 MB

This is a FREE plugin of Daily Yoga and could NOT OPEN on its own. Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin: Store link: http

46.29 MB

Note! This free version features Ads. To buy a Ad Free version, please go to Amazon App Store, download free app here and follow the in App purchase g

45.41 MB

※ This is the Lite Version with limited functions. To enjoy all functions, please download Period Diary Supreme — Take a Quick Look in Style. Check yo

11.69 MB

The application "Relax and Sleep for everyone" is an effective tool for rapid stress relief in a few minutes, relax and sleep really. Used to manage a

32.96 MB
Weight Diary 2.1.5

Simple Diary Weight is an application that allows managing the weight, waist size and more. Depending on burned calories, you lose weight. This free p

2.63 MB

You want to reduce your weight or stay slim, but you are always losing track of the calories you are ingesting and how many you are burning up again?

3.63 MB

Designed to act as an aid in physical activity, the Acadroid - Bodybuilding Guide uses images and animations to describe the correct execution of trai

34.77 MB