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fake numbers to call with for prank calls calling real people. fake call with real voice is a cool tool if you want to get rid of someone. You can set

6.97 MB

Get downloading videos from the internet on the go with Easy Video Downloader 2017 Easy Video Downloader 2017 brings you the easiest and the fastest w

3.43 MB

Free Wifi Password Hacker is a funny prank app that simulates breaking into secured wireless networks protected with passwords AES, WPA2 or WPA encryp

636.54 KB

Crafting is the method by which the majority of items, blocks and tools are created. To craft an item move the ingredients from your inventory into th

3.07 MB

Live videos are always fun! You never know what's gonna happen next - everything is possible and it's always live - no way that somebody can fake a li

45.3 MB

Is it just bad luck, coincidence, a bad time? Away bad luck with these recipes. With spells of luck you can get that fortune will smile. With these go

3.04 MB
Magic Wand 2.12.0

Run your favorite spells with Magic Wand and be a great magician for a moment. You can select different spells and run the wand touching the wand or s

4.57 MB

Infobus mobile - информация о маршрутах городского общественного транспорта, об остановках, о текущем положении транспорта в режиме онлайн. Доступна и

1.85 MB

Программа содержит множество функций и полезной информации, предназначенной для автомобилистов: - Правила дорожного движения РФ (редакция от 06.08.201

9.27 MB

通勤や通学、お買い物などで電車に乗ろうとホームまで来たら、乗りたい電車が出発したばかりでずいぶんと待ち時間がある。 こんなことなら、駅の側の喫茶店にても行ってたら良かった・・・ということはありませんか? そんな時に、この「あと何分?」アプリで、あと何分後に電車が出発するのかを知ることができます。 し

2.13 MB

11년 연속 대한민국 퍼스트브랜드 내비게이션 부문 대상 ! 8년 연속 브랜드파워 1위 ! 가장 진화된 내비게이션! 아이나비3D RED2 !! ※※ 아이나비3D RED2가 3D내비 최강인 이유※※ 1. 건물만 흉내낸 2.5D와는 차원이 다르다! 고도정보와 지형고도화를 넣

48.13 MB

MyWAY è l’applicazione ufficiale e gratuita di Autostrade per l’Italia che ti permette di viaggiare informato e in tutta sicurezza, dandoti la possibi

19.58 MB

ibibo Ryde is your trusted and safe way of ridesharing and carpooling. Traveling to another city or within your city! Use Ryde to get most affordable

7.44 MB

【主要功能】 ◆操作最簡便:無論是查詢車程還是車站資料,最快只需點擊;次即可完成! ◆選站最快速:獨創的GPS自動定位、線路圖直接點擊、站名地標搜索,總讓您以最快速度選到車站! ◆離線車站交互式地圖,信息最完整:除了調用標准地圖服務外,提供獨家出口地標及街道離線地圖! ◆最早/最晚出發時間:rGui

13.21 MB

FriendMapper is a phone tracking tool that follows the locations of friends and family. Now you can use GPS technology to help you know the movements

4.99 MB

香港巴士通 HKBus+ 以最方便的使用者介面,提供全港巴士路線搜尋及即時交通資訊。收錄全港最齊全的巴士資訊,包括九巴、新巴、城巴、機場巴士、新大嶼山巴士、柏麗灣巴士、愉景灣巴士、港鐵接駁巴士,港鐵、電車、山頂纜車,以及專線小巴(綠色小巴)。 提供不同的路線搜尋方法,包括附近巴士站、點到點搜尋、按巴

4.56 MB
Breathalyzer 1.5.6

The application is designed mostly for drivers. It allows determining the level of alcohol in blood according to several parameters. It uses Watson’s

2.07 MB

This compass app provides the direction information in both analog, and digital formats with a beautiful user interface. Thea magnetic sensors are use

4.61 MB

Get freely the complet and the best of Nigerian English films. You will freely watch complete, full length, intriguing and fascinating strictly Ghanai

4.92 MB
EST: Call Taxi™

A simple menu and only one tap for booking - that's how the application works. Main features of the app as following: - locating of the passenger posi

8.49 MB