Totaux 294712 télécharger La dernière version
涂手 3.4.5

9.17 MB

Bulk Rename Wizard is a free renaming utility for Android that provides better way to rename multiple files and folders with fast, easy and minimal op

2.27 MB

You only have to input your weight to be able to see graphs and lists charting increases or decreases since your last input.It's essential for dieting

3.2 MB

Neutron is the professional music player with high quality 32/64-bit audio rendering engine which helps to deliver to you the best possible sound qual

19.21 MB
HiAppHere Market 1.0.1Beta market,more paid application free download ,this is a beta app,thank you support.if you have any question ,please contact us :support@hi

41.32 KB
OmniVideo 1.9.8

13.16 MB
XTouchWiz 1.1.2

676.27 KB

Enjoy the most effective and widely appreciated Remo Privacy Clean app. With the pro version, one can safely remove sent and received messages, entire

1.27 MB
ClassOver 1.0


164.32 KB

IMPORTANT NOTE: this theme won't be updated anymore. Support ends with CM13Like a glass!! This is Transparent Material theme for CM13, CM12 (Cyanogenm

5.48 MB

11.2 MB

Theme Sense Pro inspired from One M10 phone for your LG Nougat phone.You can apply the theme by going to settings, themes and selecting this theme fro

5.41 MB
读者 8.6.3

读者2012全新上线功能简介: (1) 在线连载:定时更新读者最新一期的内容,用户点击可以阅读(2) 我的收藏:用户如果觉得某篇文章写的很不错,可以收藏下来,点击收藏按钮即可,在我的收藏里面长按某一期内容,可以删除,实现管理 (3) 经典回顾:主要是2010年以前的期刊内容

1.6 MB
网速悬浮窗 dzh.1.1

31.96 KB

★穷游清单,超方便的旅行准备利器★ 贴心提醒各种路途必备list,帮你轻松做好各种行前准备! 还在为出门旅行整理行李头疼? 经常丢三落四,带太多没用的行李? 穷游清单,是一款轻巧方便的旅行清单检查小工具 帮你轻松打点出行装备、提醒事项以及购物list 定制个性化的旅行前备忘录,保证万

1.45 MB

Google Now on your home screen - it's easier than ever to get just the right information at just the right time.Faster search - tap the search box and

7.9 MB
新浪SHOW 3.3.806

新浪SHOW集成社交平台、實時視頻直播、電影化英語教學、財經名師點評。每壹個頻道都那麽的與衆不同。 這裏有文藝青年的集散地,這裏是屌絲的天堂。 在這裏妳就是國王,想擁有萬千粉絲,想得到新浪立體化的曝光,盡在新浪SHOW。 --------------------- 新浪SHOW 最具時尚氣質

27.69 MB
Listener 1.2.7

An alternative amongst launchers. Fills your homescreen with information of these sources: missed calls, text messages, calendar events, gmail, k9 ma

1008.56 KB
US优色 2.0.0

805.88 KB
百度美拍 3.0.1

百度美秀是一个“真实的”、“有声的”美女自拍社区 贴心宅男福利:各色大图,有声有色,与您的女神“0”距离接触!, 引爆娱乐圈:几百位明星模特倾情入驻,一致推荐!功能亮点: 【美女都在这里】 你想看的,你想要的,这里全都有!【明星都在这里】 唐嫣、刘美人、徐海星、许添、杨梓、温雅、方龄、杨子

13.5 MB