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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله: هذا التطبيق الذي بين أيديكم يحتوي على قرأن كريم بصوت الشيخ عبد الباسط عبد الصمد. الكلمات أدلالية لهذا التطبيق : عبد الباسط عب

3.52 MB

Can search for the application of the Holy Quran The Holy Quran by the voices of the most famous reciters

3.51 MB

Jangkrik apa yang mengerik? Jangkrik adalah serangga dari keluarga gryllidae yang berkerabat dekat dengan belalang. Nama jangkrik berasal dari suara y

2.76 MB

What kind of sound effects does a Cat Fight make? If you want to listen to what a Cat Fight sound efects like, this free sound apps is for you!! Get c

6.63 MB

Want to know how many Accelerated Reader™ points a book is worth? Points Wizard lets you scan a book’s barcode with your smart phone and instantly lin

3.42 MB

★★★ Discover it For Free ★★★ Enjoy Great Collection Of Cricket Sounds Effects! Find your next Cricket Sounds from our extensive selection. This is a g

4.17 MB

Music Sound Booster is the new standard when it comes to audio player! A must have to listen to your music! Boost and improve your sound quality and v

5.26 MB
Cat Sounds 3.0.69

Hello Cat lovers, here is application that collection of a sound of Kitten and cat. A kitten (also known as a kitty or kitty cat) is a juvenile cat. A

8.17 MB
Rat Sounds 1.4.5

◉ Please Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ What Does a Rat Sound Like? Rats make a combination of squeaking, hissing, and chattering sounds. They can co

3.3 MB
Pinocchio 8.0

Geppetto vive solo e sogna di avere un bambino così decide di scolpire un burattino e lo chiama Pinocchio...

15.75 MB

Molto tempo fa viveva a Nottingham Robin Hood, un ladro che rubava ai ricchi per dare ai poveri ...

26.95 MB
Literator 2.1.4

Download the ultimate free education app for teachers - featured by TEACH FOR AMERICA, EDSURGE, and FORBES. Literator helps teachers organize and anal

18.19 MB

Holy Quran Abd-Albasit Abd Al-Samad Warsh ability to download all soundm and listen to Holy quran without internet connection. Auto Advance to the nex

2.33 MB

من اجمل التطبيقات و السهلة للاستماع الى القرآن الكريم كاملا بدون انترنت بصوت فارس عباد يتضمن التطبيق الجديد الذي بين ايديكم على القرآن الكريم كاملا بص

2.71 MB

يحتوي التطبيق الجديد 'القران الكريم كامل بدون انترنت Quran ' الذي بين ايديكم على ايات قرآنية بالصوت, قد ارتاينا في التطبيق استعمال سيرفرات ت عالية الج

6.94 MB

*** Abdelbasset Abdessamad Parties, Quranic Concerts *** Free and supported islamic app of Quran parties with recitation of sheikh Abdelbasset Abdessa

2.9 MB

القران الكريم صوت بدون انترنت القران الكريم بدون انترنت بصوت كل من الشيخ عبد الرحمن السديس و عبد الباسط عبد الصمد و ياسر الدوسري و مشاري العفاسي و سعد

7.02 MB

Try this new modern style volume booster. It will increase your speakers volume up to 10-20%. What sets Volume Booster from other similar applications

2.4 MB

This app contains a complete collection of tutorials about football, accompanied vidio that can swivel and easy to apply. you can hone your skills on

1.45 MB

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10.14 MB