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مع دخول الشهر الكريم بتحتاج كل ست بيت تجمل مائده الطعام بالحلويات الرمضنيه الطيبه علشان كده نقدم ليكى التطيق الذى يساعدك على تزين مائدتك بالذ واشهى ال

5.11 MB

يضم هذا التطبيق كل اشطال الفقاص المغربى الحلو والمالح فقاص بالسالميه فقاص بالجبن فقاص بمعجون الطماطم فقاص باللثوم فقاص بالكاوكو المملح فقاص الكرافس فق

2.67 MB

حكم وأقوال ونصائح العظماء : تطبيق مجاني على البلاي ستور يحتوي على اقوال وحكم وعبر وأمثال وأقوال الفلاسفة ، نصائح وأقوال عظماء،أمثال في الشجاعة، كلمات

2.8 MB

فى هذتا التطبيق تجد كل ما يسرك فهو يضم تشكيله رائعه من الحلويات باشكلها المختلفه ومذقها الرئع و فى هذا التطبيق أيضا ستتعلمي عمل جميع انواع الكيك كما س

10.69 MB

Aplikasi resepi kuih muih telah siap sedia untuk membantu anda dalam pembuatan kuih muih yang menarik dan sedap. harap mendapat manfaat dari aplikasi

2.9 MB

Puns is a multiplayer game. The aim of the game is to score as many points by guessing the passwords generated by the application. What you will find

3.74 MB

To be download great sound quality Mp3 rings and this selected and collect by our expert team. Set these tones as mobile,personal,contact,alarm,messag

3.86 MB

지금 우리는 트로트 전성시대를 살아가고 있습니다 그 시대에 맞게 트로트 전성시대 어플을 출시하게 되었습니다 인기 있는 트로트 곡을 엄선하여 수록하였으며 연속해서 들을 수 있는 메들리곡도 수록하였습니다. 즐거운 감상하시길 바랍니다 :) *WIFI 상에서 이용하시길 권장드

5.1 MB

이 어플은진미령을 사랑하는 팬들을 위하여 제작된 어플입니다. 진미령의 데뷔곡부터 히트곡 인기곡 까지 모든 곡들을 다 만나보실 수 있습니다! 간단한 조작방법으로 누구나 쉽게 이용할 수 있는 최고의 어플입니다!!

3.36 MB

전국 다양한 축제를 누비고 계시는 품바님들을 모두 모셔왔습니다. 한국의 멋! 품바의 세계로 흠뻑 빠져들 수 있습니다. 품바를 알고 싶거나 품바를 좋아하시는 모든 분들은 지금 다운로드해주세요!!

5.52 MB

이 어플은 진성을 사랑하는 팬들을 위하여 제작된 어플입니다. 진성의 데뷔곡부터 히트곡 인기곡 까지 모든 곡들을 다 만나보실 수 있습니다! 간단한 조작방법으로 누구나 쉽게 이용할 수 있는 최고의 어플입니다!!

3.36 MB

Pet Rats wallpapers app. This is great app if you love Pet Rats!!! Cure and Adorable Many wallpaper of Pet Rats for free to use and set as background

6.13 MB

GodevHouz app is the best fine for users who appreciate to fit cheerful Rat sounds ringtones. It is casual daily updated database for Android platform

4.12 MB

" Anti mosquito, rat, fly and cockroach sound is a joke and fake app and will try to help keep all insects like mosquitoes , fly, cockroach and rat aw

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RatRace 1.0

Are you fast enough to win a race or are you smart enough to outthink the other ‘Racers’. Rat Race is a unique real-life game where ‘Racers’ can win g

4.82 MB

Application for your cat to play, the mouse called the attention of your cat! The Virtual Rat had been walking at random, when your cat play, it will

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Beautiful Rat Wallpaper Graphics HD Backgrounds Free! Rats genus of rodent family of mice. It includes at least 64 species. The body length of 8-30 cm

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Talking Robert Rat is an ironic person, he lives in a hole and thinks its a mansion. Talking to him and he talks back to you! He's the perfect talking

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Do you want to see in the dark ? Want to capture photos in nigh t? Ever wanted to take photos but couldn't because there was not enough light? Now you

3.34 MB

Note- Transparent Screen is a fun app and doesn't change your device, it's just offer you a see through wallpaper. With this app you can apply a tran

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