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Development and validation of cell phone Android Applications for the Execution of Teacher Education Curriculum |
3.33 MB | |
Experts Nutrition
Aplicativo multifuncional para as marcas Presence, Socil e Total Alimentos do grupo Neovia Nutrição e Saude Animal, contemplando funções de cálculo e |
83.92 MB | |
BHU Medical Entrance Prep
Worried for your upcoming medical entrance exam, practicing ample mock tests and sample papers but still not happy with your preparations. Here comes |
5.28 MB | |
Lumina Splash
Become more self-aware, explore your personality and learn how you relate to others by creating your unique Lumina Splash - Lumina Learning's instantl |
4.89 MB | |
Suertea Baloto
Suertea Baloto genera estadísticas y números sugeridos para poder jugar Baloto! Esta aplicación fue creada para proveer información sobre estadísticas |
4.37 MB | |
Mr Tutor
Mr. Tutor te permite dictar o pedir clases sobre los temas que tu quieras. Con un calendario integrado que te mantendrá informado de tus próximas lecc |
7.36 MB | |
Crime Reporting
Introduction The country is experiencing the high risk of crime and high rate in accidents. These are unquestionably some of the most prevailing and w |
4.1 MB | |
Weather (Mobile) “Weather is the state of the atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. Weather, |
3.29 MB | |
Az Országos Vízügyi Főigazgatóság (OVF) keretein belül működő Országos Vízjelző Szolgálat (OVSZ) az év minden egyes napján készít vízállás-előrejelzés |
7.96 MB | |
ABB review
ABB review is the corporate technology journal of the ABB Group. Four issues are published per calendar year and made available free of charge to any |
3.9 MB | |
Ringkasan Fisika
Itulah beberapa karakteristik belajar Fisika. Fisika diharapkan dapat menjadi wahana bagi peserta didik untuk mempelajari diri sendiri dan alam sekita |
14.09 MB | |
FPM Matematika
Aplikasi FPM Matematika adalah Aplikasi Bank Soal Pemantapan Materi Matematika SMA yang berisi semua BAB mata pelajaran Matematika kelas 10, 11, dan 1 |
26.37 MB | |
Weather Marrakech offers the free weather forecast 5 days on the city of Marrakech and the biggest cities of Morocco: Casablanca, Fes, Kenitra, Benime |
1.56 MB | |
Hindu calendar 2016 allows you to view month, year, day, date, sun rise, sun set, moon rise, moon set, rutu, nakshatra, yoga, karan, amruthakalam, abh |
20.45 MB | |
Hanuman Chalisa
Hanuman Chalisa is one of the great poetic works of Goswami Tulsidas. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa also helps in overcoming the bad effects of the Saturn. |
5.28 MB | |
Hindus across the world can use this app for their daily panchang, prayers, yoga/meditation/pranayama, videos, aarti and bhajans of Krishna, Shiva, Ra |
43.53 MB | |
Purnima, or Poornima, is the full moon day in traditional Hindu calendar. In a lunar calendar, followed in India, Poornima marks the end of a month an |
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Pembelajaran Psikotes adalah sebuah aplikasi mobile berbasis Android yang dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran psikotes. Dimana di dalam aplikas |
2.52 MB | |
CBT Psikotes
Computer-Based Test (CBT) adalah suatu sistem seleksi langsung secara online di depan komputer di lokasi ujian yang telah ditentukan. Hasil seleksi da |
5.31 MB | |
bagi anda yang sedang mempersiapkan ujian toeic, aplikasi ini adalah pilihan yang pas |
23.71 MB |