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Holy Bible Offline (no need internet) in the Reina-Valera Version (RV), free of charge, in Spanish. With the following features: - Fully Offline (work

3.29 MB

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who

13.33 MB

Holy Bible Offline (no need internet) in Smith & Van Dyke Arabic Version (SVD), free of charge, in Arabic. With the following features: - Fully Offlin

3.19 MB

Welcome to Guide For Among Us, i'd like to clarify that i'm not the best at this game, and haven't been playing it for a long time like others. howeve

5.09 MB

Islamic Apps World presents 4 Qul Surah of Quran to learn and recite in easy way. It's your pocket booklet App to have four beautiful Surah of Quran w

12.47 MB

Ubqari Magazine's Wazaif Plus Totkay Urdu Marriage Became Possible Due to The Wazifa of Ubqari wazifa for problems, money, beauty, success, weight los

44.11 MB

Aplikasi Manasik Haji dan Umrah adalah aplikasi yang bisa digunakan sebagai referensi panduan Ibadah Haji dan Umrah. Aplikasi Manasik Haji dan Umrah i

7.78 MB

The Bible can be used globally by all xhosa speaking people.

7.26 MB

Book reading is one of the most common hobby found among people of all age groups but carrying a book everywhere is difficult sometimes so we have des

15.1 MB

It was never been so easy, quick, enjoyable and practical to read and study the Holy Bible! This blessed app was created for you to read, study and wo

22.59 MB

Resep tumis sayuran campur Resep aneka tumisan ala rumahan enak untuk menu masakan harian keluarga mudah dan praktis tumis, buncis, kangkung, bayam, w

4.04 MB

Aplikasi berisi bacaan doa-doa mustajab yang sebaiknya di baca dari bangun tidur sampai tidur lagi, dan dilengkapi dengan transliterasi Arab-Latin unt

8.71 MB

Jeeva Swaralu Android App is a Song Book Edition from Symphony Gospel Team.The Songbook consists of 630 songs are composed by Lyricist, Gospel Singer

12.9 MB

29 CFR 1910 - OSHA General Industry Subpart O - Machinery and Machine Guarding Data is current as of September 1, 2020 For future updates please insta

4.17 MB

Brain Maker Book is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathi

10.8 MB

Instant e-reader

28.06 MB

Cправочник с информацией про все страны мира. Содержит основную и детальную информацию обо всех странах мира. Также содержит информацию об океанах, мо

9.6 MB

아름다운소식을 전하는 앱으로서 새일교회, 시대적인 역사, 조직신학, 선지서 강의, 요한계시록 강의, 성경공과, 구약설교, 신약설교, 은혜의 나눔, 등으로 구성되어 있습니다. 재림예수님을 영접하는 준비를 갖추는데 도움이 되시기를 기도합니다. 마라나타 공식홈페이지 www.

28 MB

A Bíblia Sagrada Católica em Português Atualizada e Gratuita, vem completa, com Orações Católicas e o Catecismo Católico, foi feita especialmente para

19.59 MB

In this Guide for fall guys game there are many useful hidden secrets, other games to break all fall guys ultimate knockout stages and missions of the

7.42 MB