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Quran Translation and recitation with multiple reciters and translation language English , Indonesian and Malay Quran translation is android version o

5.42 MB

主な機能 ・コトバンク収録115辞書186万語を一度に横断検索 ・文章だけでなく写真や図版でも解説 ・調べた用語の履歴やお気に入りを管理できます ・「今日のキーワード」を通知 最近よく耳にするキーワードや、間違いやすい言葉などを手軽に調べることができます。 ※通知が煩わしい方は設定から通知を解除して

9.85 MB

Our Nithra Tamil 'Vivasayam' App is built with an aim to promote Agriculture and its practices in a natural way. We all studied that Agriculture is th

10.12 MB
Snapplify 3.4.1

The Snapplify Reader is a beautiful, easy-to-use application that allows you to read eBooks on your Android smartphone or tablet, whenever and whereve

36.16 MB

Kanavu Palangal (Meanings of Dream) app giving meaning of your dream which you see. Would you like to understand what those dreams are trying to tell

5.95 MB

Hindi Quran App Will provide you - Hindi Translation of each word - Full surah / Ayat translation in Hindi - Bookmark particular page you like most -

33.77 MB

♥♥ Simple and Easy to use Dictionary For Bangla/Bengali Language.Nice app for bangla meanings or english to bangla meanings ♥♥ A complete offline Beng

3.15 MB

Easily learn French & English with French English Dictionary & Translator app! Free download & no Internet connection required! The French English Dic

40.35 MB

English to Tagalog Dictionary (English Tagalog Dictionary) is fully offline. Search English and Tagalog Words to find out meaning. When typing Text,

3.38 MB

Nepali English Dictionary offline and free. You can search both English and Nepali words. You can search words directly from "Internet Browser" or ot

16.57 MB

Aplikasi Al Qur'an Dan Terjemah Indonesia berisikan 30 juz lengkap disertai dengan terjemah dalam bahasa indonesia, sehingga dapat memudahkan dalam me

38.07 MB

"톡 쏘는 웹소설 여기다, 톡소다!" - 유명 인기작가의 단독연재 작품 모아 알차게 그랜드오픈! - 취향저격! 작품을 골라 썸타면 무료 톡이용권이 도착! 기다리면 무료 톡톡!! - 매일매일 다양한 이벤트와 무료이용권이 빵빵하게 터집니다.

4.43 MB
예스24 NEB 1.1.3

- 안드로이드 OS 4.3 이상 최적화되어 있습니다. OS 4.0 ~ 4.2 버전의 고객분들께서도 이용이 되기는 하나 약간의 불편함이 예상됩니다. 이점 양해 부탁드리며 OS 4.3 이하 분들께서는 OS 업데이트를 꼭 한번 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. [타임라인 형태의 T

2.68 MB

매일매일 무료로 웹소설을 볼 수 있는 신개념 서비스, 이제 모바일에서 빠르고 스트레스 없이 읽으세요! ▶ 스낵북 only 프로모션 ◆ 24시간 프리타임! 회원 가입하면 누릴 수 있는 ‘완.전.무.료’ 자유시간! ◆ 무료회차수 UP! 최대 4배까지 무료 회차 UP! ◆

17.35 MB

◆ 신규 가입하면 1,000원 즉시 적립 아직 반디앤루니스 회원이 아니신가요? 지금, 모바일로 간편가입하세요! 즉시 사용 가능한 적립금 1,000원을 드립니다. 앱 접근권한 고지 반디앤루니스는 정보통신망법 제22조의2(접근권한에 대한 동의)와 동법 시행령 제9조의2를

3.95 MB

বিশ্বকবি রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর এর সকল উপন্যাস নিয়ে এই এ্যাপসটি তৈরী করা হয়েছে। পড়ার সুবিধার জন্য উপন্যাসগুলি সূচীপত্রে পরিচ্ছেদ আকারে ভাগ করা আছে। উপন্যাস

5.66 MB

ফেসবুক এখন আমাদের কাছে বিনোদনের অনেক বড় একটা জায়গা হয়ে উঠেছে। অনেকেই এখন দিনের অনেকটা সময় ফেসবুক এ ব্যয় করে থাকে। আবার অনেকেই হয়তো ফেসবুকে স্ট্যাটাস দ

2.2 MB

“Nobider Jiboni / nabider Kahini” is a bangla islamic book app. আমাদের এই বাংলা ইসলামিক অ্যাপ নবিদের জীবনী/ "নবিদের কাহিনি" কুরআনে উল্লেখিত নবিদের জীব

3.7 MB

صحيح مسلم هو أحد أهم كتب الحديث عند المسلمين، جمعه أبو الحسين مسلم بن الحجاج القشيري النيسابوري. أخذ في تأليفه (جمعه وتصنيفه) خمس عشرة سنة. جمع فيه مؤ

5.35 MB

البرنامح الحالي يمكنكم ان شاء الله من قراءة وتحميل شرح الاربعين النووية و فتاوى الشيخ ابن عثيمين مجانا وبدون نت للاستفادة اكثر قمنا يتجميع بعض الكتب ا

30.7 MB