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L'Université Paris-Dauphine dispose enfin de son application officielle ! Avec l'application My.Dauphine, les étudiants dauphinois ont accès à l'ensem

12.76 MB

Learn Romanian! - "Romanian 50 languages" ( contains 100 lessons that provide you with a basic vocabulary. This free app has 30 le

18.31 MB

Hi Tech Haldhar Classes Udaipur is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent man

34.28 MB

Save time and money while learning Danish / German with this app. A quick dictionary, effective translation, tests and games... Everything you need to

8.88 MB

Previous 10 Years Solved Papers. Oye Exams App covers all 35 Subjects for CBSE, RAJASTHAN BOARD (RBSE) Class 10 and Class 12 Commerce, Science and Hum

22.05 MB

Online Classroom App

1.94 MB

별새꽃유치원에 오신것을 환영합니다. Stars saekkot Welcome to Kindergarten.

3.42 MB

Aplikasi Ringkasan Materi Kelas 5 SD ini berisi pelajaran kelas 5 SD, sbb: 1. Rangkuman Pelajaran Kelas 5 SD, seperti : 1. PKN 2. Bahasa Indonesia 3.

8.98 MB

This is the app to translate between Chinese and Indonesian. There are many cases where even if it’s the same word, the result of translation varies d

5.28 MB

Acatiste ale Maicii Domnului, Acatistele Sfinților Nectarie Taumaturgul, Efrem cel Nou, Nicolae, și ale altor sfinți mai vechi sau mai noi. Acatistele

5.57 MB
UniUOL 1.8.4

A UniUOL é uma plataforma de educação corporativa que visa proporcionar experiências de aprendizagem com metodologia educacional moderna e tecnologia

13.83 MB

Dr. Curt Dodd, host for Higher Aim, has served churches in Texas, Colorado and Florida before becoming the Senior Pastor of Westside Church, Omaha in

23.9 MB

PC환경의 미래에셋생명보험 사이버연수원(의 아이디와 비밀번호로 로그인 가능하며, 주요 서비스를 본 모바일 앱에서도 사용하실 수 있습니다. [접근권한] ▶ 저장소 : 동영상 컨텐츠를 다운 받기 위해 저장소 권한

32.26 MB
Gnowbe 7.7.0

Gnowbe is an interactive communications and education mobile app powered by a robust analytics engine to digitize the human experience in multiple con

33.02 MB

Skola es la plataforma móvil escolar para Kinders y Guarderías más avanzada de México. Nos hemos enfocado en crear una herramienta para facilitar la a

55.01 MB

The Enhance Personality App is used as the second step in the personality development program. It is used to develop your personality that is affectin

81.81 MB
Wild Watch 4.1.1

An app for employees and contractors to provide wildlife observations and issues for oil sites.

6.27 MB

Talaq in Islam Talaq k masail aur un ka hal islamic book in urdu. read free islamic books online free. talaq ki iqsam aur masail ka hall. 3 talaq in i

7.57 MB

★ Voice and text translation; ★ Translate between more than 60 languages; ★ The best voice recognition technology; ★ Detailed history; ★ Automatic lan

8.3 MB

서울사이버대학교의 강의 수강 전용 어플리케이션입니다. 서울사이버대학교의 독자적인 학습관리시스템인 WAVE를 기반으로, 모바일 기기에서도 PC와 거의 동일한 학습환경을 제공해 드리고 있습니다. ※ 본 앱은 강의 수강 전용입니다. 기타 학사 서비스는 모바일 웹페이지를 이용

15.12 MB