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Memorizing the flag helps improve your color sense and memory. Our app can be used to familiarize kids with the names and flags of many countries arou

10.69 MB

If you are looking for an app to improve your English Conversation and Listening skills and help you speak more fluently, this app is suitable for you

4.17 MB

¡Bienvenido a SM Aprendizaje! SM Aprendizaje es un entorno de trabajo personal que te permite acceder a todos los contenidos digitales que tenías disp

8.24 MB

Pour mieux vous préparer en Physique Chimie au Bac, il est important d’accéder facilement et à tout moment aux meilleurs cours de Physique Chimie Term

3.73 MB

The Open English 2.0 Android app! Open English is now with you wherever you go. The Open English App allows you to have full access to our learning pl

47.98 MB

mShikshaMitra by Department of School Education, GoMP & NIC Bhopal You can login through Credentials. If you are not able to

8.48 MB

Play fun learning games and cool quizzes anywhere and anytime, on your own or with your friends. Kahoot! makes learning awesome - and homework, too! H

23.55 MB
BYU 7.7.3

The BYU Mobile App Suite contains a variety of newly designed mobile services developed by the Office of Information Technology at Brigham Young Unive

7.82 MB

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Очень понравилось, спасибо. Всегда было лень учить слова, и даже если скачала какое-то приложение всё равно посещала его редко, но в этом прилож

45.47 MB

Interactive Graphing Calculator - graph functions, conics, and inequalities free of charge Graph multiple functions Instantly shows the function prope

7.74 MB

Get your homework solved in an instant with Snapask! Questions are answered by over 38,000 tutors. It’s easy, simply: 1. Post your homework question w

18.06 MB
MDM-AP 2.49

Mid Day Meal Scheme was launched by the Government of India which helps poor pupils from rural and urban areas and resolves issues of lack of nutritio

2.52 MB

• Are you looking for a new job in tech industry but don't know how to prepare for Java coding/programming interview questions? • Would you like to im

5.98 MB

ACKAD Kids Spelling Learning is for Kids to learn spelling as well as typing. More than 450+ spellings to learn with pictures. If kids enter wrong spe

6.03 MB

English word games is super fun and addictive! You are Looking for a fun and addictive game to rapidly expand your English vocabulary, words? Then dow

10.14 MB

English Grammar Book Free is an application for android to help student and everyone who learning English to develop their English Skill. We also prov

19.05 MB

Word Counter is a free and easy to use text tool for counting words, sentences, paragraphs and characters in your text as you type. It is designed to

3.19 MB

Statistics Study Lite -- v3.17.1 February 1, 2020 (30 Statistics Functions / 42 Statistics Study Notes) Statistics Lite provides basic descriptive sta

3.04 MB

Speed reading is an ability that can be improved. You can read very quickly BY improving your eye muscles. You can improve your eye muscles with exerc

5.59 MB

Remini is the latest in technology and communication for early childhood education. Remini enables teachers and administrators to document and share p

18.03 MB