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Download the Narali Yoga Studio App today to plan and schedule your classes. From this mobile App you can view class schedules, sign-up for classes, b

47.96 MB

Wellness Studio get most out of the services of your facility when you train both indoor and outdoor. Completely redesigned look and feel with three a

91.01 MB

Strong is a workout and exercise tracker for Starting Strength, Stronglifts, 5X5, 531 and is adaptable to any other workout routine of your choosing!

96.84 MB

Z-App is a frequency generator app, built on the technology of Royal Raymond Rife. The common devices are better known as Rife Frequency Generators. T

7.79 MB

Sabemos que una de las necesidades más importantes de la familia del paciente ingresado en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Reanimación (UCIR) es l

10.17 MB

Guardian Air Transport is a tool intended for use by emergency first responders and hospitals. An authorized app user can instantly submit a request f

5.14 MB 5.4.0 is hét platform voor amateurvoetballend Nederland. Dus voor spelers, scheidsrechters, trainers en coaches, maar natuurlijk ook voor ouders

14.55 MB

Use Kwit – Quit smoking for good – Smoking cessation to quit smoking for good, get tips to avoid cravings and reach the highest achievements. Make use

22.91 MB

Eureka! Positive Affirmations An easy and beautiful way to practice daily affirmations

10.08 MB

It’s time for a NEW AIDE for professionals! We owe a lot to all our loyal and trusting medical partners and so as a thank you you all of you, we are r

15.72 MB

Chefaa app provides the best service in Egypt ensuring pharmacy door delivery of your medicine safely. Patient can order medicine online and in few st

18.15 MB
Ochre Health 2.236.0

Ochre Health lets patients book medical appointments with their favourite general practice and allied health providers. The service is free to users a

3.66 MB

There’s no place like Priceline to help look after your health and wellbeing. The free Priceline Pharmacy App is a prescription and dispensary app whi

57.43 MB

Le SCAD est une application de télémédecine permettant un suivi clinique et éducatif à domicile de patients atteints de maladies chroniques. C’est un

31.27 MB
Saada App 1.0.5

Are you feeling lonely, depressed or anxious? We are here for you. Saada App will match you with qualified and certified counselors and therapists. Yo

19.44 MB
MindCap 2.5.15

Persistent cognitive impairment (e.g., memory problems) are a frequent complaint of patients during both the treatment and survivorship phases of canc

10.43 MB
Vida Movida 1.1.37

Esta es la App de vidaMovida, el primer seguro de vida que te paga por andar. No fumas, y ¿llevas una vida moderadamente activa? En ese caso, este pro

14.68 MB
Colmédica 6.9.4

Colmédica Medicina Prepagada Gracias a nuestra App Colmédica para teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas, usted tiene la posibilidad de acceder a aquella i

46.99 MB

"AS Mobile" brings the most important parts of the popular rSchoolToday Activity Scheduler to the mobile world. It offers Athletic Directors and Coach

9.36 MB

The Health Pregnancy Exercise & Relaxation Instruction provided by this application are usually safe for expectant moms, although some may not work fo

9 MB