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تطبيق جميع الاخبار السعودية الشاملة والمتنوعة ــ المحتويات __ آخر الأخبار الأخبار المحلية الأخبار الديولية والعربية الأخبار الاقتصادية الأخبار الرياضي

10.27 MB

The app presents to you :+ The application matches the day your way to watch all the matches even matches the encrypted broadcast directly through th

10.07 MB

انه البرنامج الوحيد الذي يتضمن الصحف المصرية انه أسرع و أسهل وسيلة لقراءة اخر الأخبار المصرية. تقدرو تراسلونا بمصادر الأخبار المصرية التى تريدون إضافت

10.03 MB

Space News Digest is your personal reader if you want to stay tuned to the latest news regarding Space visual and effortless. Experience a beautiful d

6.42 MB

有深度的新闻资讯,关注国内外发生的热点新闻,更贴近生活。栏目丰富多彩,风格清新。 栏目内容包括:头条、科技、财经、军事、体育、电影、房产、教育、移动、手机、精选、游戏、足球、娱乐、汽车、时尚、情感、NBA、数码、彩票、论坛、旅游、社会、亲子、CBA等。可自定义关注的栏目内容。

6.49 MB
Main News 1.0.1

Main News Digest - the most actual world news from popular mass communication media categorized by type! Five categories: general, business, technolog

2.66 MB

娱乐头条App,电影电视剧综艺真人秀那些台前幕后的资讯,还有明星的娱乐八卦。 每天更新最有趣的影视内容,影视花絮后期抢先看,及时的电影资讯为你提供观影指南,一切尽在影视大全。 -变形金刚5、加勒比海盗5、神奇女侠、三生三世十里桃花、悟空传等电影待映资讯及拍摄幕后花絮。 -择天记、欢乐颂2、外科医生、

4.22 MB
USANews 1.2

Get the latest news headlines of the happenings in America. If you are a frequent USA newspaper reader then this app USA News Diary & Weather App

7.08 MB

Singapore News App provides latest news, trending news, breaking news, daily news, headlines, articles, information’s, facts & updates on Singapore .

2.09 MB

Users can be notified of the lottery results quickly. Users can check lottery purchase history. Users can share lottery results to Facebook.

23.17 MB

This is an app for checking Kerala SSLC and plus two Result 2018 using your mobile phone is the fastest way. and other results like VHSE, HSE and puls

2.57 MB

Over 500 business start-up opportunities with investment entry levels from under £10 22 pages of unique listings to kick start your business Working f

6.61 MB

Tachileik သတင္းစံု App ကို Android Os သံုး Mobile Phone မ်ားတြင္ အသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ရန္အတြက္ တာခ်ီလိတ္သတင္းေအဂ်င္စီမွ အခမဲ့ျဖန္႔ေ၀လိုက္ျခင္းျဖစ္ၿပီး ထိုင္း

10.33 MB

Türkiye ve Dünya'dan son dakika gündem, ekonomi, teknoloji ve sağlık haberlerine erişmek için uygulamayı kullanmanız yeterli. Aradığınız tüm kategoril

2.39 MB

Son dakika haber ve gelişmeler için yapılmış bir uygulamadır. Last minute is an application made for news and developments. Dernière minute est une ap

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Son Dakika Haberleri Uygulaması,'un hızlı haber okuma ve kolay kullanım özelliklerini Android cihazlarınızda kullanabilmenize imkan

24.79 MB

İnternet üzerinden, Türkiye'deki en güncel son dakika haber sitelerini takip etmek için yapılmış uygulamadır. İnternet üzərindən, Türkiyədəki ən aktua

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Türkiye'deki en popüler spor haber siteleri artık tek bir uygulama olarak yanıbaşınızda ! futbol,basketbol,voleybol,hetbol,tenis,golf

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Sade Haber, Türkiyenin en çok okunan gazete ve haber portallarını aynı anda takip etmenizi sağlayan bir uygulamadır. Sade Haber'i benzerlerinden ayıra

3.89 MB

Futboldaki haberler,transferler, maç fikstürleri, puanları, şampiyonluk mücadeleleri artık cep telefonunuzda n football news, transfers, match fixture

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