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LTDMessaging 9.1.0

Audio Video messaging application for LTD Team

34.78 MB

By now you’re aware: We have a little obsession with DIY wood projects. And there might not be anything better and more useful to do with wood than to

8.32 MB
Food Lion 2.10.3

Shopping easy, fresh, and affordable just got easier. With our mobile app, we put convenience in the palm of your hand! Sign up for an MVP card or reg

46.09 MB
店家防護 1.6.5

店家防護App已取得經濟部工業局「行動應用App基本資安檢測基準」V2.1的檢測合格證明。 提供小型店家或連鎖店家完善店家監控及安全服務,用戶可透過Web與App端等跨平台介面遠端查看各店點狀況,以便即時掌握快速處理。 【主要服務功能】 .遠端多點即時監控:用戶使用行動裝置遠端即時影像監控查看,隨時

30.47 MB

This alarm clock talks to you! Features: - Reads your appointments - Plays every day a different song from a playist (optional) - It reminds you of bi

21.27 MB
NMEA Tools 1.8.5

The purpose NMEA Tools is to log your RAW GPS information (NMEA sentences) to a file on your SD card. Also, it can parse a NMEA file. Features: 1. Log

2.56 MB

Bulughul Maram merupakan Kitab rujukan dari berbagai Mazhab yang di Susun Oleh al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany.Kitab Bulughul Maram Terjemah di dalam

5.86 MB
Drop 4.6.4312

Drop allows the drivers to find you in minutes and quickly get you where you want to go. It’s fantastic to get a ride on demand or in advance with jus

26.72 MB

Enjoy “Radio Para Mi”. The app that has your favorite radio stations. In Radio Para Mi, you find the perfect combination of content that will get you

43.88 MB

Die andro TT-Schule vom Deutschen Tischtennis Rekordmeister Borussia Düsseldorf - trainiert wie und lernt bei den Profis! Individuelles Tischtennis Tr

32.54 MB
famacweb 1.86

With the FamacWeb Mobile app you’ll have full control over the daily chores of your Property Management. Browse your worklist for a period of choice a

56.94 MB

As it says on the tin, Just a handy app to have if you are like me and can never remember the date the MOT or Car TAX is due for renewal. This app tak

6.55 MB
Daily Orders 1.2.4

The creators of market leading cloud-based dairy Milkosoft ERP have created Daily Orders - a unique new platform to solve the last-mile sales and dist

11.74 MB

V523地籍分區查詢系統,為本公司花費三年時間自行研發,申請專利,全國第一套,整合多種房地產相關資訊,內容包括土地之地籍圖、使用分區(都計、非都)、使用地類別、建蔽率、容積率、法拍資訊(歷史法拍記錄、周邊待標記錄)、實價登錄,非常適合房地產專業人士使用。 系統特色: 1. 使用Google 衛星圖、

5.67 MB

Connect and automatically scans all available access points. Security Type: - WEP 64/128/256 - WPA 64/160/504 - WPA2 64/160/504 Includes widget to ens

2.74 MB

Looking for an app with all the radios in Sri Lanka? Don't waste your time!! You've found the Radio App you were looking for, listen online the best r

5.95 MB

Never miss new movies! Movie Release Dates Reminder will always remind you of releases of your favorite films. It's simple, convenient and easy to use

4.44 MB

Password Generator will quickly generate a random sequence of characters, depending on what types of characters you choose. The following types of cha

3.67 MB

A translator who translates texts into Leet (Leetspeak) and vice versa. Also included is an encryption program for AES (symmetric encryption). The app

3.81 MB

3.55 MB