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Ephemeris 0.2

At this point in time this app will allow you to view the current horizontal coordinates of the planets in the solar system and their current illumina

4.72 MB

Smart Checker는 방사능, 전자파, 자외선, 온습도, 전압, 가시광선, 적외선 센서와 연동하는 휴대폰용 애플리케이션입니다. 휴대폰용 각 센서를 스마트폰 오디오 잭에 연결하여 방사능, 전자파, 자외선, 온도, 습도를 측정하며, 측정 값을 애플리케이션에 디스플레이

5.77 MB
DO-RA.Pro 1.5.0

DO-RA.Pro is the personal dosimeter and radiometer used for monitoring of radiation level and equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation. Note that appli

7.44 MB

Smart Geiger Pro 는 기존 Smart Geiger 보다 감도가 10배 뛰어나 환경방사능 측정이 가능한 개인용 스마트 측정기 "SGP-001 (Smart Geiger Pro, 스마트 가이거 프로)" 라는 방사선 센서와 연동하는 휴대폰용 애플리케이션입니다. 스

2.83 MB
Mirror 1.2

Don't want to carry around a mirror just to check your appearance or put in contact lenses? Wanna check your makeup for the coming dating with your fr

6.48 MB
Over 40 1.0

Flashlight and Magnifier in One App PLUS Mirror Mode ★ Featured in Google Play throughout the world! ✦ Easily see menus and receipts in dark restauran

2.39 MB

Esta es una aplicación sensilla y sirve para probar el correcto funcionamiento del sensor de proximidad de tu smartphone, si tu sensor de proximidad n

2.28 MB

Show the inverse of the input character.

254.77 KB

Nightlight through voice control, a variety of colors to choose from, users can adjust the lighting time and the highlight part. The user's choice wil

1.66 MB
HELIOS 1.1.0

Searching your keys in the dark ? Cannot find your seat in the inky theater ? Changing that flat tire with no street light ? When the power goes out,

5.59 MB

Torch Light On Clap If any time in your house light is not that time you must need torch. But in dark night you not find the torch. Torch Light on Cl

3.39 MB

Fast Charger 3x: Free battery charger fast and efficient. If you really want to get rid of charging time then download super battery charging for mobi

3.39 MB

Super Fast Battery Charger X5 As it is nowadays, mobile phone users in almost all age ranges have problems with the battery life of mobile phones beca

4.44 MB

Getting bored with your android phone lock screen.So new Screen Lock - Shutter is here to customise your phone's lock with unique look and feel. Surpr

3.87 MB

Oh someone saw your password? You have to go through the process of changing it again? Tired of thinking of a new password that no one can crack ? No

2.71 MB
Emoticons 1.0

300+ emoticons available including lenny face, that dude that flips tables, and some cute koala thing. To copy an emoticon just click it! The app feat

1.08 MB

The free version of the official Japanese Emoticons Android app! Preview over 2,500 kaomoji emoticons, the large collection in any app! The best app f

4.32 MB

With this simple App you can define profiles to automatically execute remote commands via SSH, like Wakeonlan, Shutdown, or even query your torrents d

10.64 MB
SSH Note 1.2

Free client to execute commands and store the results in a list SSH. No connection required to view the last saved records -Ask several commands at th

1.76 MB
Pepper SSH 0.13

With Pepper SSH you are able to quickly manage from your smartphone your raspberry pi or any ssh server Features: - 3 profile buttons (Data account is

13.49 MB