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This fully function scientific calculator app on your phone is in the style of popular calculator first seen in the 1980's. With this app you can calc

1.26 MB

A scientific calculator free is handheld, designed to calculate problems in science, engineering, and mathematics. With many more features than a stan

2.81 MB

Abler is a free scientific calculator developed for Android devices. With an intuitive interface and customizable settings, it aims to provide a pleas

1.6 MB

The application is an analog calibration tables for resistance thermometers and thermocouples.   The application consists of two parts. The first part

2.99 MB
My house 1.0.8

IMPORTANT: To prevent any potential incompatibility between the App and the mobile devices necessary for its use. DELTA DORE would like to inform you

385.4 KB

Simple and usefull app for happy Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and galaxy s4 users and smartphone users who have temperature sensors to display currenty infor

1.69 MB

This app allows you to store passwords for Encrypted ,easily and securely on your device offline .

1.5 MB

Features: Blowfish Encryption Totally Offline - we don't even require an internet access permission Quick access your credentials Cross Platform - Wor

4.99 MB

This is a simply application to store in a app all your password or pincodes. It's not require special permission it's safe and secure.

1.92 MB

Be it passwords, bank account details, credit card information or any other secret information, Password Manager is fanatical about managing your info

1.99 MB

Logcat Extreme is an enhanced Logcat/Dmesg reader and Logcat recorder which comes with a rich set of features and handy user interface. Please note: L

1.81 MB

由智慧手機讀取GPS經緯度,而後轉【電力座標】定位。 並可結合Google 地圖及街景顯示,方便好用。 可運用在: 1、電桿、電箱定位及編號校正 2、人孔蓋定位 3、制水閥定位 4、地下管線定位 5、監測儀器定位 6、施工圖/設計

1.18 MB
Situm Mapping Tool 3.8.1.beta

Situm is making available Situm Mapping Tool, an indoor calibration, positioning and navigation tool. With this app, and thanks to Situm’s indoor posi

8.4 MB
ChipaPacoteV2 1.3.18

O ChipaPacote inova em acompanhar suas encomendas de maneira simples e divertida apresentando os estágios da encomenda por meio de imagens, onde uma r

4.99 MB

For Surveyors, Engineers, Navigators and Students of Geodesy... Geodesy Earth Tools is the easiest way to make geographic calculations. * Coordinate c

3.69 MB

How many times at the pump you wondered what fuel is more advantageous? Save money at the pump flex your car. The ethanols is designed to help you dur

1.31 MB

Con esta app se pueden obtener las coordenadas GPS (longitud y latitud) de nuestra ubicación. Una vez obtenidas estas coordenadas es posible enviarlas

2.15 MB

Simple app that lets you control your wireless connections ANDROID device. Features: - Turn onTurn data connection, WIFI and BLUETOOTH. - See the list

582.56 KB
Rebooter 1.6.0

***Root Required*** With this app, you will be able to "Hot Reboot" your phone. Hot rebooting is rebooting the phone to the boot animation so it reboo

97.57 KB

The goal of this application is to provide even the newest Android user with a simple method to check their device for root (administrator/superuser)

2.67 MB