Olimpiade Matematika SD : Soal-Pembahasan-Latihan 47.0 [free]


Buat adik-adik tingkat SD yang mau _melatih keahlian_, _uji kemampuan_ sama _asah otak_ *di bidang matematika*
*Download yuk aplikasinya :*
Buat kamu yang mau ikut *olimpiade matematika tingkat SD*, bisa loh belajar dari sini ...coba deh
Kamu bisa main sama teman satu sekolahan,
Kamu bisa main sama teman satu kota,
bahkan kalo kamu dijamin jagonya kamu bakal main ke tingkat nasional loh dan bermain dengan teman-teman kamu dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia...
Penasaran kann...buruan deh download aplikasinya
_cara baru bermain yang engga main-main_
*Bantu share yaa...*
_Siapa tau tetangga, keponakan, sepupu, keponakannya tetangga, sepupunya tetangga atau siapapun ada yang membutuhkan_
Software ini berisi contoh soal dan pembahasan latihan olimpiade Matematika SD.
Untuk melihat pembahasannya, coba geser layar ke kiri ya...!
Pembahasan muncul di layar ke 5 bagian Soal.
Sumber Soal dan Pembahasan : Berbagai sumber

For elementary school students who want to train their skills, test the same ability as the brain in mathematics.
* Download the application: *
Make you who want to join * elementary school math * level, you can learn from here ... try it
You can play with schoolmates,
You can play with a city friend,
Ahkaneven if you are guaranteed, you will play to the national level and play with your friends from various regions in Indonesia ...
AsaranIntroduction, please ... download the application
_ how to play that doesn't play_
* Help share yaa ... *
_ Who knows neighbors, nephews, cousins, neighbor's nephews, neighbor's cousins ​​or anyone else who needs_
This software contains examples of questions and discussions on elementary mathematics olympiad exercises.
To see the discussion, try sliding the screen to the left yes ...!
The discussion appears on the screen to 5 Parts of the Problem.
Question Source and Discussion: Various sources

les anciennes versions

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  • Nom du logiciel: Olimpiade Matematika SD : Soal-Pembahasan-Latihan
  • Logiciel Catégorie: Outils
  • Code: com.agusoft.latihanolimpiadematematika
  • La dernière version: 47.0
  • Exigence: {S} ou supérieur
  • Taille du fichier : 17.17 MB
  • Mettre à jour temps: 2019-04-19