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Become a Real Farmer in the all-new Farming Simulator 3D 2018 game. Plant rice and wheat seeds in land using the planter on your farm. start cultivati

48.56 MB

You might have transported variety of cars on a heavy duty truck driving on the vast city roads multiple times but in this futuristic truck transport

36.15 MB

All dress up and makeup items are unlocked and available to use for free Create exciting hot new looks and show off your sense of style and fashion wi

35.5 MB

Q7 Audi car racing simulator is the fast pace racing game specially designed for people who likes to race like crazy with Q7 Audi racing cars and fond

92.82 MB

Your best friend’s birthday is coming. How about give her a surprise and bake a sweet birthday cake for her? According to mama’s recipe, let’s start f

33.39 MB

O Guerreiro do Tempo foi encarregado de ajudar o universo a formar a melhor equipe para o grande Arena do Poder. A grande Arena do poder chegou. Você

32.73 MB

Get ready to play Virtual Happy Family: Billionaire Family Life Simulator which have amazing features of mom dad simulator. Lovely mom and American da

96.02 MB

Take a start of Virtual Girl High School Teacher: Happy Family Fun and get ready to play fun school games and act a role of virtual teacher or primary

70.97 MB

Time to improve car driving skills. Real 3D car parking simulation will let you test and improve your driving and parking skills. Drive car on multipl

35.38 MB

Want to serve humanity? Like rescue, action, driving and parking games? NY City Firefighter 2017 awaits! On a bright sunny day in New York City, you e

79.06 MB

Arm Surgery Doctor ER Emergency Surgery Simulation is an arm surgery game with a hospital emergency room to perform bone fracture surgery on the poor

32.78 MB

[ 2018.07.11 업데이트 ] 1. 신규 던전 추가 - 기계던전 2. 신규 보스던전 추가 - 기계던전에서 입장 가능 3. 신규 재화 추가 - 황금철조각 - 기계던전 몬스터 처치 시 일정 확률로 획득 가능 4. 펫 3종 추가 - 황금철조각으로 강화 가능 - 공격력

45.92 MB

200万DL突破!戦国、三国志武将、幕末志士や神々が繰り広げる大迫力の本格3D快進撃RPG! 150種類以上の英雄が登場!個性豊かな奥義を発動して、極上の爽快感を体験しよう! 【真田幸村、織田信長、坂本龍馬、沖田総司、宮本武蔵、安倍晴明、ゼウス、オーディン、アーサー王、アマテラス、劉備、呂布、孫悟空

36.97 MB

In Xtreme coach bus simulation 3D your mission is pick up the people from one place and drop the people to the other place carefully and complete your

53.56 MB

If someone is wiretapping your phone and you want to prevent that then this best of its class tool will help you prevent spying and tapping easily. Av

3.43 MB

Virtual Barber Shop Hair Salon: Beard Shave Games Take a hair appointment from virtual barber shop and make a perfect hairstyle from crazy hair dresse

38.37 MB

KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross]『王國之心』首款手遊強勢登場! 風靡日本與歐美各國的知名遊戲「王國之心」在行動裝置上隆重推出繁體中文版,邀請台灣、香港及澳門等地廣大玩家們一起享受最絢爛華麗的戰鬥場面,並從墮入黑暗的強敵手中守護世界的光明。鑰刃使者們將踏出精彩冒險的第一步,徜

70.01 MB

SQUARE ENIX正版授權,《FINAL FANTASY》最終幻想唯一動作手遊,傳承原作世界觀和經典劇情,重回宿命輪迴的起點,重現軍神、莫古力、魔導機甲等經典角色,憑藉豐富的CG推動劇情發展,用戰鬥帶來精彩遊戲體驗,並收錄FINAL FANTASY XV召喚獸,打造出一部水晶故事的恢弘史詩! 故

54.43 MB

Пять ночей с фредди:Переоткрытие - Игра покорившая сотни игроков теперь доступна и на Андроид устройствах! Вливайся в мир страха, разгадай что произош

82.62 MB

Here’s a virtual journey of Teen love in high schools with their high school crush. In high schools every guy or girl love to date someone special as

47.12 MB